What’s Next with TIFFANI BOVA

About The Episode

Welcome to the What’s Next! podcast with Tiffani Bova.

This week I am beyond thrilled to welcome the absolutely lovely Mitzi Perdue to the What’s Next Podcast! Mitzi is an author, speaker, and businesswoman. She is the founder of CERES Farms, the second-generation, family-owned, commercial and agricultural real estate investment company that has owned rice fields, commercial and residential real estate, and today the family vineyards sell wine grapes to wineries such as Mondavi, Bogle, Folie a Deux, and Toasted Head.  Her talk, Timeless Secrets of Success, comes from observing how her father, co-founder of the Sheraton Hotel Chain, and her late husband, Frank Perdue, each built their companies from no employees to more than 20,000 employees strong! Mitzi is also the Founder and Chair of Win This Fight, a novel approach to combatting human trafficking.  PBS has recently filmed a half-hour documentary on the organization.


 TODAY’S MAIN MESSAGE… We all crave appreciation and recognition for the hard work we do. We also all desire loyalty… But, in order to receive these, we must first be willing to give that appreciation and loyalty sincerely. Mitzi Perdue shares her story of gratitude, appreciation, and loyalty–based on her own experiences with two titans of business–during a time when we need them most! She also shares the strength of family legacy and how you can build a family business that will stand the test of time, as well as “How to be Up in Down Times!” It’s Mitzi’s piece of service–in partnership with friend of the show Mark Victor Hansen–to the world in this “down time.”

 WHAT  I  LOVE  MOST… Mitzi’s focus on gratitude and the importance of recognizing and rewarding your employees for the value they create for your business and the people your business serves!

 Running time 30:00

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 Find Mitzi online:



Mitzi’s Website

 How to Make Your Family Business Last Book

How to be UP in Down Times: 40 Tips Book for $4.58!

 For FREE chapters go to AuntMitzi.com

And to contact Mitzi: Mitzi@AuntMitzi.com

About The Podcast

Welcome to the What’s Next! Podcast. I’ve met so many brilliant people as I traveled the globe and have had some fascinating conversations that I’ve wished had been recorded so I could share them with you – this podcast was a way for me recreate those moments and let you in on some fantastic insights. My current conversations center around one objective: what’s next for companies and individuals as they look to innovate and grow. I hope these conversations inspire you as much as they have inspired me. Whether I am preparing for keynote speech or writing for publications such as Harvard Business Review and Huffington Post these are my go-to people. My goal with the What’s Next! podcast is to keep you thinking and to challenge you to think about What’s Next!