The Eternal Optimist By MATT DRINKHAHN

About The Episode

Mitzi Purdue is a bestselling icon producing 27 books that has and continues to inspire many. She has gained a name in the world of story-telling and is a winner of the Literary Titan Book Award for Nonfiction. She has also been a nominee of the Bookfest Book Awards. In this episode we open our hearts to the tragedies of what is currently happening to Ukraine. Mitzie talks about human trafficking in its heartbreaking reality. Listen and learn how bad it is and how you can contribute to put a stop it.

Topics Covered
00:21 – What Mitzi finds endearing about Mark Victor Hanssen.
2:59 – The horrendous reality of human trafficking.
12:27 – Mitzi shares a project that could save future victims
16:58 – The Atocha Emerald that will be put to auction to raise funds for several rehab houses.
24:14 – Why Mitzi thinks that Russia’s move to make Ukraine people more vulnerable won’t work.
34:40 – How Mitzi maintains his youthfulness
39:29 – Mitzi shares her love for silk flowers & what it meant to her.
40:50 – Her adventure in Ukraine & why she wasn’t scared to go.

Connect with Mitzi
Mitzi Perdue

Resources Mentioned
ULET Group

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About The Podcast

The ‘Eternal Optimist’ is the show for people who see the good in the world and want to make a positive difference in the lives of their families and communities! Twice a week Matt Drinkhahn will help you see challenges as opportunities to learn and grow. You’ll start thinking bigger and playing offense in life more consistently. Every week you’ll hear inspiring stories from people who faced immense challenges and KEPT GOING.