About The Episode

Mitzi Perdue draws on the experience of her family of origin, the Henderson Estate Company which dates back to 1840 and was the forerunner of the Sheraton Hotels (her father was co-founder of the chain). She also looks to her marital family (she’s the widow of Frank Perdue from Perdue Farms) that began in 1920.

Mitzi’s talks contain practical tips for embedding a positive culture. She’s been a part of carrying out all of them, and in some cases, creating them. These are tips that work, they’re practical, and they can make a spectacular difference in whether the family continues across the generations, or becomes one of the 70% that fails to pass on their legacy to the next generation.

Mitzi is a businesswoman, author, and a master storyteller. She holds degrees from Harvard University and George Washington University, is a past president of the 40,000 member American Agri-Women and was one of the U.S. Delegates to the United Nations Conference on Women in Nairobi. 

She is an author and will be releasing her upcoming book Relentless, where she shares the wisdom of the Chicken Soup for the Soul author Mark Victor Hansen.

About The Podcast

The MSP Success Podcast is the PREMIER podcast dedicated to helping the CEOs and owners of managed IT services businesses build strong, profitable, growth-oriented businesses.Visit for more!