Live Your SPA life ‎with DIANE HALFMAN

About The Episode

Mitzi Perdue is a science writer and a health writer as well as a television hostess and producer.

Her television series, Country Magazine, was syndicated to 76 stations.

Her most recent book, HOW TO BE UP IN DOWN TIMES was co-written with Mark Victor Hansen, the Chicken Soup for the Soul guy. She tells me she’s eager to share some of the tips in it for getting through the stress the pandemic causes.

She’d also like to share things we all can do help combat human trafficking.

Important Topics

-What people do to combat stress
-What are the things people do in down time
-On growing her talent stack
-How her father became successful and piece of wisdom she learned from him
-Difference between communication and connection
-On redefining failure
-What “Ready, fire, aim” means
-On overcoming fear of rejection
-On her efforts to combat human trafficking
-What WTF means
-What is her favorite room in her home and why
-How is she a “Force For Good” in the world


“How you do one thing is how you do everything.”

“Ready, fire, aim.”

“Act of trying means learning more.”

Connect with Mitzi

Text WTF to 51555
Mitzi’s Website:
Mitzi’s Email:
Mitzi’s Twitter: @MitziPerdue or
Mitzi’s Facebook: Mitzi.Perdue or
Mitzi’s LinkedIn: Mitzi Perdue or

Other links and resources:

Free Gift from Diane (5 Moves to RESET Your Power) –

Free Gift from Diane (Life RESET Quiz) –


Diane Halfman’s website –

Want to know more about yourself?
Some people ask me how to RESET their life.
Some people ask me how to be more sensual.
Others are wondering how to make more money.
How to be more successful.
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All of these questions and more are what I answer in my programs!
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About The Podcast

SpaLife refers to how you should feel in your everyday life, like when you walk into a spa and felt that immediate sense of “ahh”. I want you to have that same experience walking into your home or workplace. It’s from this SpaLife place that you will create more productivity, peacefulness and profits!