Lead Up for Women with COLLEEN BIGGS

About The Episode

Join us for today’s episode w/ Mitzi Perdue and Cheryl Rausch. WOW, ladies, today was nothing but amazing as these guests shared their brilliance of how we can release our pain through Cheryl’s sessions as she speaks to the other side, as well as how we can serve and make a difference in the world of human trafficking! Listen in to hear these fabulous ladies discuss how their journey’s led to where they are today.


Listen in below and of course, we invite you to reach out to them as well as join us in subscribing to our podcast, attending our events, or simply following us on social media! https://leadup.libsyn.com/

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How to reach our guests

Mitzi Perdue:









Cheryl Rausch:




Watch The Episode

About The Podcast

Lead Up for Women invites you to be inspired to lead without permission through the inspiration of our guests’ stories of survival, overcoming adversity, and their celebrations in business, their community, and their personal lives. You are in control of your story, so be the badass leader you know you are. Gain the courage through our strong womanhood support so you can live your best life. You are the only you there is, and you are the only you that will ever be. Be you and be strong because you are brilliant, and the world needs you at your best.