About The Episode

❗Why do cruelty and inhumanness exceed any imaginable level?

❗Is there a correlation between climate change and human trafficking?

❗Why is poverty the biggest issue?

❗What makes human trafficking flourish?

Mitzi Perdue, a businesswoman, author, and anti-human trafficking advocate, is speaking about the problem of human trafficking in our society and how to keep going when you work with such a huge problem.

On May 7, 2022, at the International Online Forum “Global Crisis. We are People. We Want to Live” scientists and experts from all over the world voiced the truth about what’s going on in the world. https://creativesociety.com/global-crisis-we-are-people-we-want-to-live

About The Podcast

Breaking news on global crises and climate change from all around the world. Always current information and hot news on world events, timely information about significant events, what is happening to the planet and how the climate is actually changing. What awaits us in the near future? Are we ready to face global climatic changes, when one part of the planet’s population will become refugees, while another will become a host party? The only way out is to get united and build the new format of society – the Creative Society.
Visit https://creativesociety.com/ website for more details.