Create Your Own Life with JEREMY RYAN SLATE

About The Episode

About This Episode:

Author, speaker, and businesswoman Mitzi Perdue is a past president of the 40,000-member American Agri-Women. She’s also a former syndicated columnist for Scripps Howard and her column, The Environment and You, was the most widely-syndicated environmental column in the country.

Her television series, Country Magazine, was syndicated to 76 stations. She’s the founder of CERES Farms, the second-generation family-owned vineyards in California. If you’ve ever tasted any of the following wines, you may have sampled her grapes! Kendall Jackson, Mondavi, Bogle, Folie a Deux, and Toasted Head.

Find out more about Mitzi at:Mitzi’s Website How To Make Your Family Business Last LinkedIn

See the Show Notes:


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Audible: Get a free 30 day free trial and 1 free audiobook from thousands of available books. Right now I’m reading “The Science of Getting Rich,”by Wallace D. Wattles, about building real wealth.

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About The Podcast

The best in the world compete with themselves, continually trying to be the beat their best. They shift their vision to creating success for others, and their success becomes massive. They locate the best and learn everything they can from them. They know there’s not short cut, it will take more time and more effort — it’s a mission and purpose, not a career.
On the Create Your Own Life Show, I interview the best in the world from NYT Bestsellers to Super Bowl Champions to Billionaires.
Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I interview the best, unpack in and help you to Create Your Own Life.