University of Adversity with LANCE W ESSIHOS

University of Adversity with LANCE W ESSIHOS

University of Adversity with LANCE W ESSIHOS About The Episode Raising awareness against human trafficking, author, speaker, and businesswoman Mitzi Perdue joins Lance today to fight against trafficking. As the founder of Win This Fight, Stop Human Trafficking Now,...
Negotiate Your Best Life with REBECCA ZUNG

Negotiate Your Best Life with REBECCA ZUNG

Negotiate Your Best Life with REBECCA ZUNG About The Episode No one knows more about being targeted by narcissists than Mitzi Perdue.  As the daughter of the co-founder of the Sheraton Hotel Chain and the wife of the late Frank Perdue, the poultry magnate, she has...
The Daily Helping with DR. RICHARD SHUSTER

The Daily Helping with DR. RICHARD SHUSTER

The Daily Helping with DR. RICHARD SHUSTER About The Episode Today our expert guest is Mitzi Perdue, a science and health writer, businesswoman, author, and master storyteller. She holds degrees from Harvard and George Washington University, is a past president of the...
Lead Up for Women with COLLEEN BIGGS

Lead Up for Women with COLLEEN BIGGS

Lead Up for Women with COLLEEN BIGGS About The Episode Join us for today’s episode w/ Mitzi Perdue and Cheryl Rausch. WOW, ladies, today was nothing but amazing as these guests shared their brilliance of how we can release our pain through Cheryl’s sessions as she...