The Business of Family with MIKE BOYD

The Business of Family with MIKE BOYD

The Business of Family by MIKE BOYD About The Episode Mitzi Perdue is the daughter of one family business titan (her father founded the Sheraton Hotel Chain) and the widow of another, (her late husband was the family business poultry magnate, Frank Perdue), and she is...
Supercharging Business Success with BILL PRATER

Supercharging Business Success with BILL PRATER

Supercharging Business Success with BILL PRATER About The Episode What You’ll Learn From This Episode: * How to keep the family culture strong and thriving* The importance of teaching kids that they are a part of something bigger than themselves* Why having meals...
Goldstein on Gelt with DOUGLAS GLOUSTEIN

Goldstein on Gelt with DOUGLAS GLOUSTEIN

Goldstein on Gelt with DOUGLAS GLOUSTEIN About The Episode Many successful family businesses also have a strong family culture. How are the two related, and how do you shape your family culture? Mitzi Perdue grew up in one family business and married into another....
Hazard Girls with EMILY SOLOBY (Part 1)

Hazard Girls with EMILY SOLOBY (Part 1)

Hazard Girls with EMILY SOLOBY (Part-1) About The Episode Today’s guest is Mitzi Perdue, a businesswoman, author, and a master storyteller. She is the past president of the 40,000 member American Agri-Women, the nation’s largest coalition of women in farming and...