Family Stories Keep Families Together

Family Stories Keep Families Together

Family Stories Keep Families Together Jackie Kennedy Onassis once said: “If your children turn out well, nothing else matters. If your children turn out badly, nothing else matters.” Having the young people in your life turn out well is as important as anything else...
Choosing Your Family Business Advisors

Choosing Your Family Business Advisors

Choosing Your Family Business Advisors Know when you need to get help. People often ask me the secret of Frank Perdue’s success. He had to do hundreds of things right. He had to be able to see the big picture as well as be detail oriented. But there was something...
Substance Abuse and the Family Business

Substance Abuse and the Family Business

Substance Abuse and the Family Business When it comes to substance abuse, members of a family business are no more immune than the rest of the population. However, as family business advisor Loyd Rawls points out, the consequences can be more dire because serious...
Infertility: Advances In Treatment

Infertility: Advances In Treatment

Infertility: Advances In Treatment Age and Infertility are Linked Infertility affects roughly 12% of women. By the time a woman is in her early 40s, her chance of infertility rises to 20%.  It’s a particularly difficult problem for the older woman because the quality...
Career Advice for Young People: Shut Up and Listen!

Career Advice for Young People: Shut Up and Listen!

Career Advice for Young People: Shut Up and Listen! Jack Tatem, a former Perdue Vice President, has some serious advice for young people. It’s simple and it can make a big difference in your career. It has to do with listening. The advice is, “Shut up and listen!” He...