Articles – Mitzi Perdue
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A Diabetes Management, Current Therapies
A Diabetes Management, Current Therapies The Bionic Pancreas Offers New Hope For type 1 Diabetes There’s good news for those with type 1 diabetes. The FDA has just approved a device (Medtronic MiniMed 670G) that automates keeping their blood sugar at healthy levels. ...
Transgender Medicine
Transgender MedicineYou Are Likely to Have Transgender Patients All health care providers are going to have a transgender person as a patient at some point. Statistically, roughly one person in 200 has a gender identity that differs from the sex they were assigned at...
Candida Treatment for Simple and Recurrent Cases
Candida Treatment for Simple and Recurrent CasesA Large Number of Women Will Experience a Candida Infection in their Lives In the United States, 75% of women will have a vulvovaginal Candida infection during their lifetimes. In any one year, this means 13 million...
Help For Sexual Dysfunction
Help For Sexual DysfunctionSexual Dysfunction is Common Forty-four percent of women have a sexual complaint. 32% experiencing a lack of desire, 27% not experiencing orgasm, and 21% having pain during sex. Although 44% have a sexual complaint, not all of these women...
Cognitive Problems: Often They’re Treatable
Cognitive Problems: Often They’re Treatable Dementia and Specifically Alzheimer's Disease Dementia are for More Common Than Statistics Indicate The statistic that 5.5 million people in the United States have Alzheimer’s disease dementia is an underestimate. My...
Breast Cancer: Don’t Over diagnose, Do Improve Lifestyle
Breast Cancer: Don't Over diagnose, Do Improve LifestyleAvoid Overdiagnosis When you screen a healthy population for breast cancer, you’re going to get over-diagnosis. This has become particularly evident. As screening practices switched from film-based mammography to...
Pelvic Pain: A Different Approach To Treatment
Pelvic Pain: A Different Approach To Treatment Pelvic Pain Is Common And Can Be Debilitating At any one time, as many as 20 percent of reproductive-age women may be experiencing pelvic pain. This can range from a mild ache that comes and goes to steady and severe...
Headaches and Hormones
Headaches and Hormones Most Headaches Seen By Primary Care Physicians Are Migraines Ninety percent of patients who see their Primary Care Physician (PCP) for a headache are there because of a migraine headache. Further, almost 30% of patients in a PCP’s waiting room...
David Copperfield’s Secret of Happiness
David Copperfield's Secret of Happiness Frank Perdue was a big believer in the David Copperfield Secret of Happiness. (By the way, we’re not talking about my favorite magician; we’re talking about the book by Charles Dickens.) A character in the novel David...
News You Can Use: Recent Studies That May Change Your Practice
News You Can Use: Recent Studies That May Change Your PracticeCALCIUM AND VITAMIN D RECOMMENDATIONS ARE CHANGING Our long-standing emphasis on calcium and vitamin D supplementation is currently being called into question. In the case of calcium supplementation, there...
Effective Way to Increase Employee Engagement
Effective Way to Increase Employee Engagement A story about Frank Perdue and Don Mabe The person who argued the most with Frank was the man Frank eventually appointed to succeed him as president of his company. This would have greatly surprised any outsider who didn’t...
When, Where, & How to Eat Your Live Frog! Avoiding Procrastination.
When, Where, & How to Eat Your Live Frog! Avoiding Procrastination. I’ve got a really great habit for you, one that can change your life, and speed you along your way to the success that you’ve dreamed of. It’s a tip that really works. Ready? Become a Ranovore! Hmmm,...
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Women’s Health
Fibroids: Medical and Surgical Management
Fibroids: Medical and Surgical ManagementFIBROIDS ARE VERY, VERY COMMON In the U.S., 80% of women who come from the African diaspora, including women from the Caribbean and South America, have or will have fibroid tumors. Even in the case of the ethnicity with the...
Substance Abuse and Women: There’s A Lot You Can Do
Substance Abuse and Women: There's A Lot You Can Do SUBSTANCE ABUSE IS LIKELY TO AFFECT MANY OF YOUR PATIENTS At any given time in the U.S., about 15% of the population has a diagnosable substance use disorder. The lifetime rates are nearly 30%. At some point over the...
HPV Risk and Cervical Cancer
HPV Risk and Cervical CancerMANY WOMEN ARE MISSING THE BENEFITS OF SCREENING AND VACCINATION FOR CERVICAL CANCER In spite of the fact that cervical cancer screening is one of the greatest achievements in cancer prevention, too many women still die from the disease....