An Economic Time Bomb for Life Insurance Owners

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Iran Trump | Mitzi Perdue & Clare Lopez (TPC #1,542)

Iran Trump | Mitzi Perdue & Clare Lopez (TPC #1,542)About The Episode Clare Lopez and she served in the CIA for 20 years. Defendtheborder.org - Citizens Commission on National Security - successor to CC on Benghazi...

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About Author

Mitzi Perdue is the widow of the poultry magnate, Frank Perdue.  She’s the author of How To Make Your Family Business Last and 52 Tips to Combat Human Trafficking.  Contact her at

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Headaches and Hormones

Headaches and Hormones

Headaches and Hormones Most Headaches Seen By Primary Care Physicians Are Migraines Ninety percent of patients who see their Primary Care Physician (PCP) for a headache are there because of a migraine headache. Further, almost 30% of patients in a PCP’s waiting room...

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David Copperfield’s Secret of Happiness

David Copperfield’s Secret of Happiness

David Copperfield's Secret of Happiness Frank Perdue was a big believer in the David Copperfield Secret of Happiness. (By the way, we’re not talking about my favorite magician; we’re talking about the book by Charles Dickens.) A character in the novel David...

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News You Can Use: Recent Studies That May Change Your Practice

News You Can Use: Recent Studies That May Change Your Practice

News You Can Use: Recent Studies That May Change Your PracticeCALCIUM AND VITAMIN D RECOMMENDATIONS ARE CHANGING Our long-standing emphasis on calcium and vitamin D supplementation is currently being called into question. In the case of calcium supplementation, there...

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Effective Way to Increase Employee Engagement

Effective Way to Increase Employee Engagement

Effective Way to Increase Employee Engagement A story about Frank Perdue and Don Mabe The person who argued the most with Frank was the man Frank eventually appointed to succeed him as president of his company. This would have greatly surprised any outsider who didn’t...

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One Good Idea Can Change Your Life

One Good Idea Can Change Your Life

One Good Idea Can Change Your LifeA brief story about Ernest Henderson Do what it takes to find good ideas. The reason? One good idea can change your life. And lots of good ideas can lead to undreamed of success! Let me explain why I say this by sharing a brief story...

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