6-Step Solution to Almost Any Problem

1. Describe the Problem.

Preferably do this in writing.  The act of putting the problem into words can clarify your thinking.


2. Write Down the Obstacles.

Although I’m a fan of positive thinking, I’m also a fan of research that Dr. Ellen Galinsky, likes to quote. She’s the author of  What Every Child Should Know, and her research shows that no matter how positively you think about a problem, you’re less likely to get the results you want if you don’t match your optimism  with a thorough examination of the obstacles.


3. Brainstorm Possible Solutions.

Taking into account the constraints you’re working with, think of as many solutions as you can.  At this point, the goal is quantity not quality.  That’s because bad ideas may spark your imagination and lead to good ideas that wouldn’t have occurred to you otherwise.


4. Stretch to Find One More Solution.

It’s surprising how often the ideas that come when you’ve had to stretch for an answer turn out to be the ones that are the most helpful.  The reason is, there’s a good chance that if the answer really is obvious, it would already have been done by now.  It’s when you have to struggle and stretch to get a new idea that you come up with the most creative ideas, the ones that not everyone has already thought of, and that have a real chance of solving your problem.

By the way, something to keep in mind at this point: Thomas Edison was right, “When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this: you haven’t.”


5. Pick the Best Solution.

Now is the time to put on your realist’s hat.  Of all the ideas you’ve come up with, choose which best meets the criteria not only of solving the problem, but getting the job done in the right timeframe and with resources that you can put your hands on.


6. Act on it.

The people I know who are most successful have a penchant for action.  They’re not only good at thinking of solutions; they’re very good at plunging in and doing them.

Three quotes that express the importance of action:

“To know and not to act is the same as not to know.”

“It’s not what you know, it’s what you do.”

“Done is better than perfect.”

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