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- MentalHelp.global, click here. Mental health and information technology professionals from the American University Kyiv are using ChatGPT-type artificial intelligence to provide free 24/7 support for individuals in Ukraine who are enduring mental health issues like sleeplessness, panic attacks, or depression.
- I’ve written 270 articles, which you can find here. These are stories from my experiences on trips to Ukraine, with several written while sheltering in bomb shelters in cities under active attack.
- The 217 Podcasts I’ve been on, click here. Again, these are based on my recent trips to Ukraine.
- Lastly, if you’d like to know more about me, click here for the Meet Mitzi section.The link will take you to a clever mixture of tedium and irrelevance.
Articles Written
Books Written
Awards Won
Mitzi’s Podcasts
Books by Mitzi Perdue

Rich Widows of Savannah Valley

Mark Victor Hansen Relentless

How to Make Your Family Business Last

The I Want to EggScape Book

I Didn’t Bargain for This

How to Keep your Family Connected
Clients Reviews
“Mitzi was a wonderful choice as speaker for the Nantucket Atheneum’s Geschke Lecture Series. It was quite easy to see why she has won multiple awards for her work. Not only highly knowledgeable, she was delightful to work with and a mesmerizing speaker.”

Ann Scott
Executive Director and Head Librarian, Nantucket Atheneum
“I knew as soon as I’d finished interviewing Mitzi that it was one of my favorite interviews of all time. Apparently my listeners agreed, mKing hers the top listened to 5 Core Life Podcast of 2020. Thanks Mitzi for dropping your infinite wisdom on some eager to learn ears.”

Will Moore
MooreMomentum.com | Founder of Doordash
“Mitzi has a large personality and you cannot but help to be mesmerized by her tales. They capture attention and bring across a wholesome and pure message. Above all she achieves this in a subtle and unassuming manner which results in a great affinity to her. Mitzi is impactful.”

Mohan Datwani
The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries
Explore Mitzi’s Work
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Youtube Shorts
Articles Written by Mitzi Perdue
Scars of War: Dealing with the Alarming Rate of Unnecessary Amputations in Ukraine
Ukraine is at war, so seeing amputees isn’t entirely surprising. What was surprising to Arnold was that most of the amputations were close to the shoulder or close to the crotch.
"Peace" That Includes Occupation: A Guarantee of Additional Suffering
It seems self-evident that peace has to be preferable to war. However, after three visits to Ukraine, and after arranging with the Kyiv Region Police to talk with dozens of war crime victims, I no longer believe this.
Ukraine Needs Western Support Now More than Ever: A Ukrainian Doctor’s Perspective
I knew there would be people who have suffered captivity and torture, and I was afraid of receiving such a patient,” says Dr. Oleh Berezyuk, Chief of Psychiatric Help at the Saint Pantaleon Hospital.
Frequently Asked Questions

Born into the Henderson family, married into the Perdue family—that’s a fair amount of luck, isn’t it?
I can’t believe my good luck.
How do you define a successful family?
I’ll instead define a high-functioning family. You enjoy each other. You don’t engage in public family quarrels. You believe you’re a part of something bigger than yourself—namely, the family. Selfishness is discouraged, because you’re stewards, and your job is to hand it over in better shape to the next generation. One value both the Hendersons and Perdues have is that we’re frugal. We just came back from a family vacation, and every member traveled economy class.
How would you compare the two family offices you’re a client of?
Each grew to meet the needs of the respective families. I like to compare it to the way the British versus the Americans handle things. The British don’t have everything spelled out in a constitution, but they somehow manage to make decisions and move forward based on precedent. That’s how the Hendersons do it. Just, after 182 years, we have ways of doing things. We’ve been around so long, that culture works for us. The Perdues are 102 years old, so not new at this. But since it has an operating company, it has got to be a whole lot more formal. (Note: The Hendersons sold Sheraton Hotels in the late 1960s, while Perdue remains a family business.)
What’s the latest purposeful investment you’ve made?
The Hendersons tend to be quite high-tech. My nephew Eric [who runs the office] is quite comfortable with all the FAANGs [Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google]. He operates out of Cambridge, Massachusetts; and I don’t know how he did this, but he’s surrounded by the FAANGs, and he hangs out with them. I know that when he gives a report at the next Henderson family reunion next Saturday, he will keep us on the edge of our seats, telling us about the things going on in ultrahigh-tech. The Perdues, on the other hand, are completely different. We get excited about investing in a new grain facility.
Want Those Who Come After You to Be Happy?
Write an Ethical Will!
Lack of values can make children vulnerable to destructive behaviors, can turn heirs into playboys and can accelerate the arc of “shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations.”
An ethical will can play a role in helping your children and those who come after them to have happy, productive lives.