Transforming Cardiovascular Disease Prevention In Women

Obesity In Women: New Insights

Obesity In Women: New Insights OBESITY HAS MORE IMPACT THAN ANY OTHER CHRONIC DISEASE Obesity has enormous impact, partly because it is so widespread and partly because it exacerbates so many other disease states.  In the US, there are 93 million Americans with...
Transforming Cardiovascular Disease Prevention In Women

Fingernail Infections

Fingernail Infections FINGERNAIL INFECTIONS AFFECT WOMEN MORE THAN MEN In contrast to toenail infections, fingernail infections, especially those caused by candida, impact more women than men. This happens because often women’s jobs as housekeepers or dishwashers...
Transforming Cardiovascular Disease Prevention In Women

Ask About Low Sexual Desire: There Are Options!

Ask About Low Sexual Desire: There Are Options! LOW SEXUAL DESIRE MAY OR MAY NOT BE TROUBLESOME Almost 43% of women have low sexual desire. However, unless the condition is causing a woman personal or relationship distress, low sexual desire doesn’t rise to the level...
Transforming Cardiovascular Disease Prevention In Women

Diabetes During and Past The Reproductive Years

Diabetes During and Past The Reproductive Years ABNORMAL GLUCOSE IN PREGNANT WOMEN: A WINDOW INTO FUTURE RISKS Pregnancy is an insulin-resistant state, so future problems with diabetes may show up during this time. Although a pregnant woman with abnormal glucose may...
Transforming Cardiovascular Disease Prevention In Women


Migraines MIGRAINES ARE A GENDER-RELATED DISORDER In the course of a year, 18% of American women will have at least one migraine headache while the corresponding percentage for men is 6%. There are strong hormonal links to migraine, with the incidence of migraines...